photo by David Noles

photo by David Noles


Contrary to popular belief, Faye Rex is not a stage name.  This is the real-life name of a real-life girl who was born in NYC, bred in New Jersey and is now living in Brooklyn. 

In the summer months, you can find Faye singing with a couple of bands, or on a rooftop doing something to make all her friends laugh. Last winter, you could find her plastered in Times Square as the face of the Super Bowl's Pepsi ad. Sugary beverages aside, Faye is an NYU Tisch graduate with the Atlantic Acting School. She completed UCB's Improv 101 & 201 with honors, as she crawled like a cat across the stage, wagging her imaginary tail whilst licking imaginary milk off of her arm. 

Throw anything Faye's way and the outcome will be extremely unique, intelligent and wonderful. 

Because that's just who she is.